1)Carl Weathersby & Billy Branch My Baby Caught The Train 00:00
2.) Snooky Pryor Cheatin' And Lyin' 06:46
3.) Big Pete Pearson No Love Lost 10:35
4.) Eddy ''The Chief'' Clearwater & Carey Bell Messed Up World 14:36
5.) Larry Burton I've Got Your Body 19:41
6.) Larry Davis 102nd St. Blues 24:10
7.) Jimmy Dawkins Kant Sheck Dees Bluze 28:33
8.) Omar Sharriff The Raven 37:43
9.) Louis Myers Bottom Of The Harp 42:07
10.) Phillip Walker & Otis Grand She's Gone 46:46
11.) John Littlejohn What In The World 53:49
12.) George ''Wild Child'' Butler It's A Pity 59:02